Do you just

dream about


This is where you’ll find all our planned voyages!

… but it is still yet to be finished!

You’ll find information about the different destinations we are going to, and find out where you can embark Vela and where your adventures with us will end and possibly start a new one or flying back home.
It’s also possible to get an estimated distance and the duration of the voyage.

We will also try to provide information on possible harbours and activities during the different voyages and we would also very much like input from you as a crew member if you know about something incredible to experience along the way!

As we are leaving Denmark on the 1st of June, 2025, we still have a lot of thinking and planning to do. That is why the voyage does not yet have exact dates and only roughly expected destinations.

We have some talented people working on creating a simple booking system, making it easy for you to apply to become a crew member onboard Vela!

We hope to see you soon!


leaving Denmark

From Aarhus, Denmark
to Brest, France

  • This is where it all begins.

    We will leave Aarhus at noon and find a nice place to drop the anchor on our way to our first stop, Sønderborg Marina. From here we’ll go to Kiel before sailing through the Kieler Canal and get to the North Sea.

    Your final destination will be Brest in France.

    We’ll be stopping by the Netherlands and Belgium on the way.

    Our thoughts about destinations along the journey:

    • Helgoland, GER

    • Den Helder, NETH

    • Ijumiden, NETH

    • Zeebrugge, BELG

    • Dunkerque, FRAN

    • Calais, FRAN

    • Channel Islands, ENG

    We will also consider all input from crew members.

the bay of biscay

From Brest, France
to Lisbon, Portugal

  • The notorious Bay of Biscay!

    For this trip have we chosen to follow the coast line of the Bay of Biscay. You will have the chance to taste the different kind of wine as we sail along the coast of France.

    Our thoughts about destinations along the journey:

    • Groix, FRAN

    • Belle îles en mer, FRAN

    • La Rochelle, FRAN

    • Haliguen, FRAN

    • île-d'Haouat, FRAN

    • Hœdic, FRAN

    • L'île-d'Yeu, FRAN

    • Arachon, FRAN

    • Hendaye, FRAN

    • San Sebastián, SPN

    • Isla de San Nicolas, SPN

    • Santander, SPN

    • Cariño, SPN

    • A Coruña, SPN

    • Muros, SPN

    • Ría de Camariñas, SPN

    • Vigo, SPN

    • Póvoa de Varzim, PORT

    • Leixões (Porto), PORT

    • Figueira de Foz, PORT

    • Nazaré, PORT

    • Peniche, PORT

    • Cascais, PORT

Through the strait of gibraltar 

From Lisbon, Portugal
to Barcelona, Spain

  • The connection between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

    We will continue on following the coastline of Portugal and be headed towards the Mediterranean Sea.
    We will most likely stop by Portimão which is were we bought Vela in 2021.

    All destinations on this trip naturally depend on the situation regarding the orca attacks, which are still ongoing at the time of writing. This is a situation we are monitoring closely, ensuring we stay updated on the situation constantly to make sure we can travel safely through areas that may be threatened by aggressive orcas that might damage the boat's rudder.

    Our thoughts about destinations along the journey:

    • Sines, PORT

    • Lagos, PORT

    • Portimão, PORT

    • Faro, PORT

    • Gibraltar, GB

    • Marbella, SPN

    • Málaga, SPN

    • Cartagena, SPN

    • Tabarca, SPN

    • Ibiza, SPN

    • Mallorca, SPN

    • Menorca, SPN

    • Barcelona, SPN

The Mediterranean sea

From Barcelona, Spain
to Somewhere in the Meds

  • Not that many thought yet...


spring in the Mediterranean 

From .. one adventure
to … another

  • Some thoughts about this, but still tentative.

Summer in the Mediterranean 

From .. one adventure
to … another

  • Not that many thoughts on this one either...


From Malaga
to Madeira

  • This one is also up in the air, but it would be amazing to visit Madeira!

Island hopping in the canaries

From Madeira
to Canary Islands

  • The crew will possibly embark on Madeira and with the right weather window we will begin our approx. 270 nm journey towards the Canary Islands. From here we will do island hopping around the islands.

    Our thoughts about destinations along the journey:

    • El Hierro, SPN

    • La Palma, sPN

    • La Gomera, SPN

    • Tenerife, SPN

    • Gran Canaria, SPN

    • Fuerteventura, SPN

    • Lanzarote, SPN

Crossing the atlantic!

End of 2025.
Sometime between end of November to the beginning of January

From one of The Canary Islands (Most likely Gran Canaria)
to The Caribbean

  • The first ocean passage!

    This is happening for sure! After a great time of exploring the Canary Islands we will prepare for the big crossing of the Atlantic ocean.
    With the right crew we will prepare and provision so that we have everything we need to sail across the Atlantic.

    Many boats are participating in ARC (Alantic Rally for Cruisers) and are beginning the journey from Las Palmas on Gran Canaria and ending it in Rodney Bay on Saint Lucia.

    More to follow.